Thursday 13th February 2025
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Cost: $50 per person
As an advocate for rich, open ended primary maths teaching, and a leader in maths education, we are constantly faced with the following comments and question:
"Where is the explicit teaching?"
"BUT we must write up a Learning Intention. Where is the Success Criteria?"
"You must explicitly teach!!"
And I'm sure, as you have tried to implement Rich Tasks, that you may be battling with these questions in your own head and this may be the reason you avoid trying to implement open, challenging maths.
This workshop will demonstrate and help you better understand what explicit teaching actually is, the misconceptions and the importance of using rich, authentic mathematics in your teaching. Changing closed maths, into open mathematics.
Thursday 27th February 2025
1:30pm - 1:30pm
Cost: $50 per person
Children's literature is such a wonderful way to engage students in learning and using picture story books in mathematics is a clever pedagogy.
In this workshop, Marissa will show you some picture story books that are perfect for drawing out mathematical investigations.
We will look at how these books can be used to initially engage students in mathematics, but extend their critical and creative thinking and lead to further investigation of rich problem solving tasks.
We will also work together to plan some tasks with some books of your choosing.
BYO book
Thursday 13th March 2025
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Cost: $50 per person
One of my favourite things about teaching mathematics through rich, authentic tasks is the natural differentiation that occurs.
Differentiation happens when one task or activity is altered to allow all students within the one group the ability to access the learning. Students need to be able to enter and exit a lesson at different stages along the continuum with confidence.
In this workshop, Marissa will use some maths tasks to show you how simple it can be to allow all students to access the one task whilst building productive mathematical mindsets.
This workshop is best suited to primary school teachers.
Thursday 8th May 2025
1:30pm - 3:30pm
More information coming...
Cost: $50 per person
Thursday 22nd May 2025
1:30pm - 1:30pm
More information coming...
Cost: $50 per person
Thursday 5th June 2025
1:30pm - 3:30pm
More information coming...
Cost: $50 per person
Marissa provides in house primary maths consulting with schools, teams or individual teachers with a focus on strengthening practice and pedagogical knowledge in Primary Mathematics.
She works with teachers to implement engaging maths tasks for all learners.
Marissa works with schools through collecting authentic data, modelling, team teaching, observation and reflection.
Marissa is becoming known as an engaging presenter of maths teaching and learning. She is passionate about using enablers and extenders to plan and implement one task for all students.
Marissa promotes and shares the beauty of using rich, open ended maths in the primary years.
She is an avid user of Maths300 and reSolve.
Marissa is available for whole school maths professional learning, including curriculum days, Maths300 implementation and after school workshops.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
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